Saturday, November 24, 2012

Travel and day 1 at Vail!

Traveling tends to not go without some kind of speed bump, or in this case, a dip in the driveway leading to a beached bus…

Come on!
After multiple attempts to free the bus, it was clear we would not be taking the bus to Manchester and needed to load up parent vehicles and caravan to the airport.  Major kudos to parents for rallying together and making it possible to get everyone and all their gear to Manchester with plenty of time to spare, thanks for all your help!

After a day of travel, we finally arrived at Manor Vail around 3:30pm and we were greeted by old friend Sarah Reilly!  We had a fairly mellow night and athletes were in their rooms at 8:30pm for lights out.  While Vail does not have much terrain open compared to years past, “not much terrain” still dwarfs the available terrain back home.  The width of the trails in the west never ceases to amaze me.  We had a morning free ski session on phenomenal snow.  It is the type of snow that puts a smile on your face and stokes the burning fire inside that we all have for skiing.  After a break for lunch and a study hall session with Lori, we went out onto the training hill and slowed things down a bit with some drills and more directed free skiing.  Although it was only our 4th day on snow, 5th for some, we were seeing some nice adjustments made in the afternoon session.  Tomorrow we will be getting onto GS skis for the first time this season which is always an exciting day.  Here are a few shots from today to start off the camp blogging.

View of the training hill from Manor Vail

Demo master Garrett

Last but certainly not least, Michael and Andy deserve some serious props.  They left on Tuesday afternoon with a van full of gates, brushes, stubbies, tuning benches, and other important gear for the camp.  They drove through the night to Andy’s parents’ house in Michigan (13 hours), spent the night there, had a brief Thanksgiving LUNCH, then they hopped back on the road on Thursday around 2pm to complete the remaining 18 hours of their drive to meet us at the airport in Denver.  Way to go fellas, thanks for being awesome!

For now, we are off to yoga with instructor Lucy Merriam!

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